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ADSoftware is an IT company based in France, with offices in Thailand, Brazil and South Africa. Specialising in solutions dedicated to the aviation industry, ADSoftware counts 56 clients worldwide. The strength of ADSoftware is the accessibility of its products which are Microsoft Windows® ready, web-enabled, and multilingual. The company provides 24/7 online technical support. 
The company has developed AirPack a modular ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) suite that includes six modules organised around a single database. Each module has its own specificities. AirTime is a dedicated tool for Fleet management & CAMO activities (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations), AirStock assist with Inventory control & Logistic, AirDoc is the documentation management module, AirUser handles the security management, AirStat allows reliability and statistic reports and AirWork time-tracking software.
ADSoftware has also developed DailyPack a package of two integrated modules, DailyReport and DailyQual, used by military, police and rescue flying operations. It is a solution dedicated to recording and managing all kinds of missions, and to follow-up on skills and qualifications of pilots and aircraft mechanics. The MRO software company recently introduced 4 new innovative mobile multiplatform apps to its flagship AirPack suite.


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Les meilleurs bars geeks21/10/2019 - ARTICLES - Elisa

La Paris Games Week fait son grand retour fin octobre ! Préparez-vous à vivre une immersion dans l’univers du jeu vidéo lors de cet événement qui rassemble depuis maintenant 10 ans de nombreux fans de la pop culture. Pour l’occasion, Hoodspot t’a préparé une petite liste de bars geeks où on trinque tout en s’amusant. … Lire la suite de l'article

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