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The AnyLogic Company is a leading provider of dynamic simulation tools, technologies and consulting services for business applications. The AnyLogic Company designs, develops and marketsAnyLogic - the first and only tool that brings together System DynamicsProcess-centric (Discrete Event), and Agent Based methods within one modeling language and one model development environment. The language of AnyLogic has unmatched flexibility and enables the modeler to capture the complexity and heterogeneity of business, economy and social systems at any desirable level of details to gain deeper insight into interdependent processes going on inside and around the organization.

Offices on the Map


AnyLogic was first shown at Winter Simulation Conference in year 2000. The AnyLogic Company operates worldwide and has offices in North America (Illinois, USA), Europe (Paris, France), andRussia (St. Petersburg). Together with our established network of our distributors worldwide AnyLogic will continue to deliver great support, great consulting, and the most powerful and flexible tool in your kit.

AnyLogic is the choice of thousands users worldwide, hundreds of commercial and governmental organizations and hundreds of universities. The AnyLogic user community is constantly growing both because of migration from other tools and because AnyLogic makes simulation modeling applicable in new areas. AnyLogic has become a corporate standard for simulation in many global companies.

The AnyLogic Company also provides highest quality business consulting. Our consulting team has a unique combination of deep mathematical, optimization, software development, and simulation background, and the ability to rapidly understand the essentials of our clients business and identify what and how can be improved. With a natural competitive advantage of having been the support center for AnyLogic users for years, we have the best possible knowledge of how simulation modeling works in business applications.

We are always open to your comments and questions.

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Le dernier article du blog Hoodspot Journal

Les meilleurs bars geeks21/10/2019 - ARTICLES - Elisa

La Paris Games Week fait son grand retour fin octobre ! Préparez-vous à vivre une immersion dans l’univers du jeu vidéo lors de cet événement qui rassemble depuis maintenant 10 ans de nombreux fans de la pop culture. Pour l’occasion, Hoodspot t’a préparé une petite liste de bars geeks où on trinque tout en s’amusant. … Lire la suite de l'article

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